BOOST_LIB_PREFIX: 静态库为 "lib" (否则无,是用动态链接库)
BOOST_LIB_NAME: 库的基本名称 ( 比方说 boost_regex).
BOOST_LIB_TOOLSET: 编译工具集名称 ( 比如:vc6, vc7, bcb5 )
BOOST_LIB_THREAD_OPT: 多线程为 "-mt" ,否则为空
BOOST_LIB_RT_OPT: 指示使用的运行库的后缀,
s 静态运行库,指的是静态链接到运行时库(不出现表示动态).
g 调试/诊断 runtime (release if not present).
d 调试版本 (不出现表示 release 版 ).
p STLPort 版本.
注:对 vc 来说,gd 总是一起出现
BOOST_LIB_VERSION: Boost 版本, Boost 版本 x.y 表示为 x_y形式.
编译:为了简化boost库的编译,boost库中带了一个用来编译的工具,名字是bjam.exe或者b2.exe.1:运行boost下的bootstap.bat脚本就会自动生上述的两个编译工具,并且拷贝到boost目录下. 也可以进入tools/build目录下找到类似的脚本或者项目源码来编译.
2: bjam.exe的参数
Feature | Allowed values | Notes |
variant | debug,release |
link | shared,static | Determines if Boost.Build creates shared or static libraries |
threading | single,multi | Cause the produced binaries to be thread-safe. This requires proper support in the source code itself. |
address-model | 32,64 | Explicitly request either 32-bit or 64-bit code generation. This typically requires that your compiler is appropriately configured. Please refer to the section called “C++ Compilers” and your compiler documentation in case of problems. |
toolset | (Depends on configuration) | The C++ compiler to use. See the section called “C++ Compilers” for a detailed list. (Vs2008)msvc-8.0 (vs2010)msvc-10.0 |
include | (Arbitrary string) | Additional include paths for C and C++ compilers. |
define | (Arbitrary string) | Additional macro definitions for C and C++ compilers. The string should be either SYMBOL or SYMBOL=VALUE |
cxxflags | (Arbitrary string) | Custom options to pass to the C++ compiler. |
cflags | (Arbitrary string) | Custom options to pass to the C compiler. |
linkflags | (Arbitrary string) | Custom options to pass to the C++ linker. |
runtime-link | shared,static | Determines if shared or static version of C and C++ runtimes should be used. |
--build-dir=<builddir> | 编译的临时文件会放在builddir里(这样比较好管理,编译完就可以把它删除了) |
--stagedir=<stagedir> | 存放编译后库文件的路径,默认是stage |
--build-type=complete | 编译所有版本,不然只会编译一小部分版本(确切地说是相当于:variant=release, threading=multi;link=shared|static;runtime-link=shared) |
variant=debug|release | 决定编译什么版本(对应文件中的d 调试版本 不出现表示 release 版) |
link=static|shared | 决定使用静态库还是动态库。(对应文件中的BOOST_LIB_PREFIX ) |
threading=single|multi | 决定使用单线程还是多线程库。(对应文件中的BOOST_LIB_THREAD_OPT) |
runtime-link=static|shared | 决定是静态还是动态链接C/C++标准库。(对应文件中的BOOST_LIB_THREAD_OPT) |
--with-<library> | 只编译指定的库,如输入--with-regex就只编译regex库了。 |
--show-libraries | 显示需要编译的库名称 |
bjam.exe --toolset=msvc-10.0 --with-date_time runtimelink=static link=static stage
意思是要生静态库,该静态库静态链接C运行时库生成的文件名字是:libboost_date_time-vc100-mt-sgd-1_48.lib(debug version),libboost_date_time-vc100-mt-s-1_48.lib(release version) 两个文件.bjam.exe --toolset=msvc-10.0 --with-date_time runtimelink=shared link=static stage意思是要生静态库,该静态库动态链接C运行时库生成的文件名字是:libboost_date_time-vc100-mt-gd-1_48.lib(debug verion),libboost_date_time-vc100-mt-1_48.lib(release version) 两个文件.bjam.exe --toolset=msvc-10.0 --with-date_time runtimelink=shared link=shared stage意思是要生动态库,该动态库动态链接C运行时库生成的文件名字是:boost_date_time-vc100-mt-gd-1_48.lib(debug version),boost_date_time-vc100-mt-1_48.lib(release version) 两个文件.生成的dll名字是:boost_date_time-vc100-mt-gd-1_48.dll(debug version),boost_date_time-vc100-mt-1_48.dll(release version)编译选项方面还有install等参数.